Friends at Work?

Friends at work

Will they toast you when they work for you?

You are the consummate sales professional, your numbers are admirable, and you are able to keep step with the best sales professionals in your organization.  Consistent goal attainment pushes you to the top of the heap and will one day could land you in the management job you covet.

This is an admirable position to be in.  Sales management is a challenging and rewarding position that is often a springboard to higher positions as knowing the customer and sales process is obviously important.

Now here is where it really gets interesting.  Your potential advancement is built on a foundation that includes many inputs and variables, of which your sales numbers is just one aspect.  Getting your numbers turns out to be the price of admission to this party.  Many of the other items can involve some sacrifices.

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships

We have had many conversations about the relationships with customers gets you the numbers.  It is important, and you need to know how to go as “deep” as possible with those relationships.

The truth is that there are some relationships that you may have which can hold you back if not treated in the right way.  These affiliations could potentially play against you when it is time to take the step upward.

As sales professional, you will undoubtedly have friends in the sales function that you associate with; this is natural, and expected.  Because of your winning personality you may have a large network of friends and associates, many of them competing with you on a day-to-day basis.  You share information, criticisms, and approvals as well as strategize on ways to approach problems with accounts and sales in general

We often address the concerns about perceptions in BSJ.  This is a little different perception issue. Here is one instance where there can be a perception about the relationships you have and your ability to remain objective if you are given that desired promotion.

What is Desired From the New Manager?

Once again, we are working with a perception.  The concerns are centered on a few important questions:

  • Can this individual be objective and avoid favoritism?
  • How will this look to the whole sales force?
  • Can I trust this individual to manage and develop my sales talent?
  • Will this choice positively affect morale?

These questions are important, and the right choice of leader is important.  A manager is a leader, and a selector and developer of talent.  Organizations are looking for someone who pulls people together, and not someone who pulls the organization apart.

Many “potential” managers have deeply invested personal relationships that may have even a worse appearance than is actually true.  I put the word “potential” in quotes because these people may never know that they were selected against because of their relationships.

Sharing and personal closeness look good, and may give the appearance of “esprit de corps”, yet in truth this can be concerning to executive management.  Confidentiality, fairness, and ability to discipline are good examples of activities that must be present when considering a candidate, and these attributes sometimes look in jeopardy when someone has close “friendships” on the sales floor.

Some Actions You Can Take

I don’t think any manager wants you to avoid having relationships, or to attempt to hide them.  The best time to observe these actions is when you start a new position.  No one suggests that you be aloof; yet try operating in this manner:

  • Have reasonable relationships. Work is work; “work friends” are just that, “work friends”, they are not integral to your existence.
  • Limit the social activities at work.  These activities can showcase your friendships, and can create perceptions about your ability to keep confidences and be fair.
  • Mind your own business.  Do not get involved in work gossip or defenses of anyone unless it is ultra-important.  There is no conflict that is calling for your participation.

Your relationships at work obviously exist because of your physical presence.  If you are all about business, much of this will take care of itself.  The best sales professionals recognize that focus is important.  This does not make you boring, or one dimensional, yet it will give the professional appearance that you need to transcend many of the sales professionals that you work with.

The Look of A Manager

Management changes happen for a variety of reasons, and happen suddenly.  These reasons include termination of existing managers, promotions, opening of new territories, retirements, death or disablement, and other reasons.  The company has the opportunity to go outside the company, or hire a manager from within.

Here is where your appearance is important.  If you appear to be too close to the staff that you would potentially be managing, the decision could be against you.  If you appear to be “one of the guys”, you may handicap yourself at this important time as well.

Your best bet is to have relationships with other sales professionals that are professional, amicable, and in some cases even more deep such as mentoring.  If you keep it to this level, you will have the professional appearance and, as was said earlier, will not appear aloof.

The time to think about it is now, not once a potential management position opens.  Give it some consideration.

Be prepared.

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