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6 Tips on Managing Your Sales Manager

Sales Professional and Manager

We first discussed this topic last year in August, and have come far since then.  It is still important to manage upwards as you manager can be the influence you need to make your career bloom.  The resources, the guidance, and the interest in your career are all a benefit.  Read and digest this and capitalize on this resource appropriately.


There should be no negative implications for a topic like this.  We attempt to manage time, territories, expenses, production, and performance outcomes as a natural course in our jobs.  I would hope that understanding how to “manage” your sales manager would be just as important.

“Managing” your sales manager involves important issues such as training, performance evaluations, potential merit increases, territory allocations, participation in sales calls, and the allocation of valuable resources such as prospect distribution, house accounts, and major accounts.

This is not anything nefarious, yet is respectfully making sure that you get the attention you need, and in some cases the space you need to do your job to the fullest.  It also would be designed to give you resources you need in a competitive atmosphere to be the premier sales professional in your unit.

As a Black sales professional, you are quite visible.  You need to be calculated in your performance, and how you frame that performance.  Your manager should be active with you as well as an observer in your performance and work activities.


The most important relationship you have at your job is the one you have with your manager.  Your ability to ask questions, seek assistance, and suggest improvements should be natural.  Likewise, your ability to get feedback, accept criticism, and be generally evaluated should be a given.

This relationship is a give and take.  He or she is still the boss, and you have expectations of each other.  You need to work at this relationship if you are not the premier performer.  The premier performer has his/her results to support the relationship.  Until you get to that status, you need the manager a little more.

‘Fair Game’ Tactics

Here are some ways to effectively manage your sales manager:

Communicate Upward – Keep your sales manager knowledgeable of your activities, and the status of major clients and prospects.  Your managers should always be kept abreast.  Sales managers communicate upward to their managers regarding major prospects and clients, sales projections, and goal attainment.  The last things they want are surprises.  By communicating these things frequently, it will keep them from making projections and claims that cannot be met.

Request Assistance and Sales Manager Presence – Request your sales manager’s help for profile and difficult prospect/clients.  Remember, you will be in the boat by yourself to get the attention or negative attention depending on the results.  Sharing the attention when you win is better than ending up with the sole negative attention “spotlight” if you blow it.  You can more easily manage your sales manager if you make him or her look good.  Have the sales manager attend calls that you need help on, but also calls that put you in a good light.   You can choose calls that display the strength of your relationships, showcase your strong technical abilities, and calls that reveal your technical sales ability.

Be The Expert on You – Your manager can have as many as 12 direct reports, and the responsibility for getting results from them, and a particular territory.  He cannot possibly know you, your accomplishments, and your strengths, the way you want.  It is easier for the focus to be on your weaknesses.  You must be the expert on you!  Know the following:

Know Your Sales Manager – Knowing as much as you can know about your manager without being invasive is good business.  It will help you understand the motivations and better be able to answer questions and complete tasks.  Know where your manager went to school and the composition of his/her family.  Know his/her previous jobs, and what motivations are present.  A sales manager who was formerly a financial person may have a focus on the numbers and metrics, and you should know this.  The more you know, the better off you are.  Know the background and feel comfortable discussing it with him/her.  You will notice that the manager will be flattered.  Information from Linked-In, or your company’s website can help you here.  You may even use Google for this purpose.

Volunteer with a Purpose – Every manager needs some help, and you should be prepared to give some assistance and learn in the process when it benefits you.  I certainly am not suggesting that you be ‘oily’ and kiss “you know what”, yet when you can add something you should step-up.  Those that don’t step-up will probably get the items they would not have chosen.

Always be Prepared – Repeat after me “I will never go into a meeting with my sales manager and be unprepared!”  This is important.  When you go in to any meeting with this most important relationship you have at that company, you should go in with a solid agenda.  No rambling and no scrambling but a meeting with a purpose that you requested and are in control of. Have your questions written down, and stick to your appointment time.  Your manager will realize your efficiency and effectiveness.

Always Perform

Here is where you start to make the distinction between you and your counterparts.  To be most effective at this, you need to consistently produce sales results.  It is a given that you need to be in good standing, yet it always helps to be exceeding goals and be a sales leader.

If you do this, you will be “shining” the light on yourself.  This type of self-promotion is totally ‘legal’.  Make sure your managers sees what is necessary and knows your value.  This is something that you can do without seeming like a “weasel”.

‘Manage” this relationship wisely.  It can make a difference in your compensation and your future.

We appreciate your comments.

8 Items to Give You Job Hunting Success

A weak 2011 is behind us.  Factories are producing more, and buying more.  Businesses are projecting optimism and the market is responding.  I would note bet against a vibrant market for new sales professionals starting here in mid-2012. This post will help you get ready for the job hunting success that you are due.  Don’t forget that in sales you need a method to your madness.  This post will help.

Selling You! – Putting Your Best Foot Forward

I am going to give you some areas that you might want to focus on that could help you in this job search. Some of these you may have used already so this will take the form of a worthwhile reminder.  Some of these may be somewhat new.  From having hired sales professionals, I can tell you these items will enhance your chances!

I have broken this down to Stage 1 and Stage 2.  Stage 3 is negotiations for a job, and will be covered in another post.  There are items in Stage 1 which could be better relegated to Stage 2 so use your discretion:

Stage 1 of the job search effort (Discovery and Qualifcation):

  1. Your Accomplishments
  2. Your Sales Numbers/Statistics
  3. Customer Retentions Statistics
  4. Customer Testimonials
  5. Special Skills or Areas of Expertise

Stage 2 of the employment effort (Proving Effectiveness):

  1. Reviews/Appraisal ratings and documents
  2. Income and Commission/Bonus Verification
  3. Your sales agreement/contract

Be prepared! – Stage 1  Who are You?/Who are They?

Most of you have been through these stages before.  Few of us have ever been ‘gifted’ a job, so you had to work to get it.  You know they will ask for your resume and your sales numbers.  My suggestion is that you go in with all of them, neatly recorded and bound.  Remember, your competition is stiff and well prepared.

Your Accomplishments – A good resume featuring your accomplishments is the most solid method.  Dave G. a friend of mine and outplacement professional advises that “… the resume as an indicator of experience is lacking substance if you miss the opportunity to list bullets defining your accomplishments.” An example – “Opened new territory in Kentucky in 2010 – Exceeded sales expectations by 36%”.  If at all possible  be prepared to back up your assertion.

Your  Sales Numbers/Statistics - Gather your sales numbers and put them in their best light.  Whether it is by quarter, by month, or by product.  Know your numbers!  Be an expert on yourself! The numbers do not lie but may tell a special story. I believe you should know this story well.  Use numbers from the last two-three years, plus current, at least.

Customer Retention Statistics - In some types of sales these are important statistics.  Your retention of customers as a percentage of total customers, or retention of business in total as a percentage of total business tells a story about your ability to service and gain loyalty.

Customer Testimonials - Customers who take the time to reduce to writing your value and service to them are invaluable to you.  You should always maintain a file of these and use them appropriately. I would not solicit them, yet when offered I would gladly accept.

Areas of Specialties – Any evidence of specialities can be very important.  Volunteer evidence of your specialties and be prepared to show how this will give you an edge, and how that translates to sales and dollars for your new employer.

Take the Offensive! –  Stage 2 Proving Your Worth

Stage 2 is good ground.  I mention in the listing of items in Stage 2 that could ultimately be integral in getting the job.

Reviews/Performance Appraisal ratings and documents – I would advise that these can get personal. It is a truly a personal opinion as to whether you want to use them, although face a basic fact that they give insight as to your standing with your employer.  When you play this card, it is presumed that you have nothing to hide, and you are serious about a job.  You would only want to use this if you felt comfortable that the information that was in your review is not proprietary regarding the activities of your employer.  You may have an agreement or contract which outlines this, honor it.

Income Verification – In this noble profession, income verification is important.  No one wants to pay you significantly without knowing that you deserve it, and can get it elsewhere.  Be prepared to share an indication of salary and bonus/commission position.  This can be done in a few different ways including W2s, wage stubs, and commission/bonus reports.  Any combination of these items will probably suffice in showing income.

Sales Agreement/Contract - This document is fairly simple.  It will give confidence to anyone that you can work for them and are not restricted.  No new employer wants to be tied up in a legal swamp over the fact that you have agreed to protect materials, client lists, customers, and otherwise in an agreement you signed willingly, then violated.  You may present this in Stage 1 if asked.

Obviously the provision of these items do not guarantee success, but they can increase the probability immensely.

One last important note. I believe that you should protect your employer in terms of the sharing of proprietary information.  Any activity that results in you sharing proprietary information will result in the new employer wondering if you would do the same to them. Plan to pass that test.  Important Stuff!!!

Let us know how you feel about this….send us a comment.