Afraid to Negotiate Salary for Your New Sales Job?

Negotiating salary and other items when accepting a new position intimidates many sales professionals.  Don’t ever believe that this negotiation is an art; it is actually more of an act!  Yes, it can be an acquired skill, but most importantly, you must believe in yourself.

I have written many times on this topic, including a post just a short few months ago.  The trick is to go in prepared.  Always be prepared!


Negotiating Salary

There are ways to get what you want when it comes to salary and the other spoils, I would suggest that you take a look at these two posts in your effort to get what you deserve.  Combined,  these two posts cover salary, benefits, and sales situations (such as territory, vehicle, expense support, etc.) that could make your job much easier.

Check these two posts out.  They may be worth committing to memory:

Getting the Salary You Deserve! Part I

Getting the Salary You Deserve! Part II

Just lately I shared a post from a sales professional that successfully negotiated salary and other and was quite happy with the result.  He read both posts, and was not afraid to ask for what he wanted.  Read about that one here:

The Successful Salary Negotiation! It Can Be Yours!

More than anything else remember that salary, benefit, and other situations can be negotiated.  It is a timing issue though, so if you neglect to do it early on because you are skittish, you will miss your opportunity and leverage on all counts.

Career Builder Compensation Survey

This interesting article give the impression that many are reluctant to press for more compensation, and just as a matter of conjecture, are probably just as reluctant to press for benefits and other advantages as well.

I found this to be quite revealing and informative, and hope you do as well:

Career Builder Compensation Survey – 8/21/2013

It is good reading for any professional, and when it comes to sales professionals it is a reminder that you should never be afraid to ask for the ‘important’ stuff after the prospective employer has given an indication that you are their candidate.

Important points:

  • Men (54 percent) are more likely than women (49 percent) to negotiate first offers.
  • Many employers expect a salary negotiation and build that into their initial offer
  • If unable to meet the job candidate’s salary requirements, a majority of employers are willing to provide alternative benefits

The new employer expects you to be engaged enough to want to have that discussion, but if you don’t show that bit of courage, it is fine with them.  Show the courage, you deserve everything that you can get.

Use All of the Tools

Remember to use the tools such as to understand the salary landscape, and employ fair, but firm, negotiation techniques.  Don’t undervalue your abilities and services as solid sales professionals are hard find.

If you have a salary negotiation story to share let me know.  I would love to hear it!

PS. – Thanks to Career Builder for taking on this topic.

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