The Ultimate Sales Professional Part III – The Best Know that They are Good!

Sales Professional and His Team

This post helps you confirm your position in the sales hierarchy.  You will continue to develop and grow, but at some point your skills, process, and attributes are in place.  Read all three in order and construct the sale persona that fits you best.  Always be the professional


I hope you had an opportunity to read the Ultimate Sales Professional Part Part I and II as they covered much ground. Ultimate Sales Professional Part I – 7/16 systematically covered the traits that the ultimate sales professional utilizes to his or her advantage. Ultimate Sales Professional, Part II 7/19 covered the activities that this consummate sales professional employs every day.

In Part III we will draw it together as we talk about those finishing touches that make this individual coveted by customers and sales organizations alike. These items by themselves don’t close the deal, but when coupled with the traits and activities we’ve covered previously, they change the game.

The Difference Makers….

This professional is a difference maker.  These items below are a sampling of some of the most important activities and strengths that are undertaken:

Closing Two Sales at Once – The individuals strengths and character allows the concepts of closing two sales at one time.  One sale is based on the company you represent and its arsenal of products and services.  The next all important sale is that although you are different because of your pigmentation, you are the best sales professional to handle the needs of the customer’s organization now and in the future. Master this skill and you begin the process.  (Black Sales Journal 5/26/2011, The Black Sales Professional – Closing Two Sales at Once.)

Knowledge of the Sales Environment – This individual knows about the 3Ps Perceptions, Preference, and Prejudice, and knows how to handle them.  This is a stable business environment for Black sales professional. It is very slow to change.   For this seasoned professional, there are no excuses, and no time wasted trying to convince those who are stalwart against progress that they should listen.  Energy is spent in the right place, with the right customers, and money is made. With quotas and goals, time is of the essence.  (Black Sales Journal 5/19/2011, A Deep Dive on the Issue of Customer Perceptions, Preference, and Prejudice)

Mastery of Selling Styles – I am saying “styles” for a reason, as mastery of numerous styles is necessary serves to make this professional ‘ready for primetime’.  Knowing when to be a technical seller, relationship seller, consultative seller and other well know styles will make this individual versatile, and eventually successful.  Remember that all buying styles are not the same, and all selling styles follow that same simple fact.  (Black Sales Journal 5/12/2011, Selling Styles – Which One is Right for You?)

Believes He/She is the Difference – This professional recognizes that even if you are selling a commodity, the difference is “YOU!” A recognition of the ways that the professional can “Package” the product is important, and the sales professional who stands behind it can be the real difference.  Know your product, and ‘design’ your packaging.  The difference really is “YOU.”  (Black Sales Journal 2/24/2011 – Selling a Commodity? – the Difference is You!)

Knows Management Expectations – This individual knows his/her manager, and recognizes the true importance of that relationship. This professional knows that ‘managing’ the sales manager is a necessary reality and doing it is intelligent and necessary.  This is nothing devious or wrong by any means, and it is underpinned by strong and solid communications.  This is the most important relationship you will have at your job, and mastering this relationship changes your plight.  On top of all else, you always must perform. (Black Sales Journal 8/18, 6 Tips on ‘Managing’ Your Sales Manager)

Manages Relationships at Work – This individual does not get so close to anyone that it could hamper the possibility of promotion or additional responsibilities.  Relationships are managed, and reasonable, and the social activities are above  question by anyone.  This professional is about business and has knows the need to “mind his/her own business.”  It does ‘worlds’ for the professional persona.  (Black Sales Journal 5/23, Friends at Work)

Changes Racial Perceptions – This professional helps to change racial perceptions by being the consummate professional, showing superior performance in all aspects of manners, skills, and personal interactions.  Coupled with being more responsive than other professionals, you have an individual whose exemplary performance “opens doors” for other Black sales professionals, and Black professionals from all walks of life.  (Black Sales Journal 6/9, Changing Racial Perceptions)

No matter how hard any of us work, we can always be improving these skills and attributes.  Always remember that the strength of a true professional is that they engage in continuous improvement.

In Summary

I could have constructed more posts on this subject, yet I think that you get the hint.  The most accomplished sales professional of any color is working on these items.  Only a slight few would ever have all of them conquered.  What is more important is that if you realize the power in these items and the last few posts, you will know that moving toward it is a great step in itself.

I certainly did not have all of these as sales professional.  I had enough of them to be good at my profession, yet I was not the Ultimate Sales Professional. I qualified for sales conferences and received bonuses, as well as got recognition and a promotion.  Frankly it felt good.  I could not see the whole picture.  Some of that lack of vision was my business immaturity, and the other was seeing the whole picture from so many other positions and angles.

It was not until having the vantage point of being a field sales manager, regional sales manager and other roles all the way up to an executive vice president that I could see the most successful sales professionals and their undeniable strengths.  Couple that with the knowledge and scars which come the difficulties of selling as a Black sales professional leads me to the assertions in the last three posts in this journal.

You don’t need to wait to formulate that vision.  It is being shared with you.  Add to this your own special traits and it truly can be done, and “You” are the one that can do it.  I hope you will use these points to help get you there.

I appreciate your comments.

Get Fired Over a Cheeseburger? Know Your Company’s Expense Policies!

Expense Log

When I discussed this over a year ago, I wanted to stress the importance with knowing your company’s expense policies and to stress avoiding even the most correctable errors.   Proper personal expenses management is that part of your sales activities that merely helps you maintain your credibility and gives managers confidence that you will do the right thing when no one is looking.

Following the program correctly won’t necessarily get you a lot of additional points, but it will secure you in the mind as someone who can be trusted. Be smart and in control of the process.  Knowledge counts here.  Read this and remember, ignorance of the policy is no excuse.  Read on…


Business entertainment, especially customer dining, is an event that we may take for granted.  It is important for most businesses but always suspect as an expense that can be smartly trimmed in terms of cost, and even frequency.

Business entertainment is a tool that when used wisely can aid in relationship building.  When done correctly, this can result in far greater returns than the business meal or entertainment actually amounts to.

If you desire to claim a business lunch, dinner, or other entertainment, these expenses should be directly related to the business purpose.  The meal or refreshments should be related to the legitimate image business activity, and should be able to stand the test of proof.  Technically, only then would you and your employer be allowed to treat these expenditures as expenses, and not as income when the burden of proof comes along.

Getting Technical

The IRS sets some basic rules that individuals and business follow.  A quick review of the rules that the IRS as set forth will show a couple of rather simple tests:

Directly Related Test

To qualify for reimbursement under the directly-related test for entertainment, including meals, you must be able to prove the following:

  • The main purpose of the combined business and entertainment was the active conduct of business.
  • You did engage in business with the individual during the entertainment period
  • You had more than a general expectation of getting income of some other business benefit at some future time

The Associated Test

If the expenses meet the directly-related test, they may qualify under the associated test.

This test states that entertainment is:

  • Associated with the active conduct of your trade or business and,
  • Directly before or after a substantial business discussion.

This test includes the Substantial Business Discussion rule that is a requirement of deductibility for your employer.

According to Publication 463 – Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses for 2010 from the Internal Revenue Service, “A business discussion will not be considered substantial unless you can show that you actively engaged in the discussion, meeting, negotiation, or other business transaction to get income or some other specific benefit.”

Keeping Credibility

Accuracy and truthfulness are at the heart of professional credibility for the Black sales professional.  Even greater is the fact that only one instance of inaccuracy or untruth can do away with years of work establishing the credibility.  There is more on credibility in the last Black Sales Journal 3/31, Credibility – A Goal of the Black Sales Professional.

I am going to cite some basics, and these are truly basics for expense report integrity.  Here are some suggestions for keeping your standing and credibility intact regarding expenses:

  • Be timely - Submit your expenses no later than 1 week after they are due.
  • Be organized - Keep information in a system that allows you to produce your receipts and expense forms as is necessary.
  • Insure accuracy - If you do your expenses regularly, you will be under no time pressure.  The accuracy in your reports builds confidence.
  • Be honest - Above all, there is truly nothing worthwhile to gain by having your employer pay for a lunch for you and your friend.  It is frankly not worth it!  Only claim what you can prove using receipts.
  • Be Knowledgeable – Know intimately your organization’s expense policy.

Some Business Entertainment Specifics

We all have a particular responsibility when it comes to business entertainment, and especially meals.  We should make sure that the meal or event matches the business purpose.  There should be no instance where entertaining at the most expensive restaurant in town happens for a casual business discussion.  Remember, being modest and practical is prudent and a sign of good judgment.

Here are some basics entertainment do’s and don’ts that you may benefit from:

  • Take Ownership – Forget the roulette that takes place where you the participants of a meal wait for the bill to come, then “wait” each other out to see who will pick up the check.  Unless the customer has advised that they are picking up the meal, they are probably not going to do it.  “Own” the event and then the rest of these strategies will be possible.
  • Wine – If you are the host, only you should order the wine.  You may not realize why if you have never been burned, but the ordering of wine is an extremely high expense at an upscale meal.  If you are unsure you can accept someone’s counsel, yet your job is to order, and replenish the wine.  Feel comfortable stating to the server, or wine steward that you are responsible for the meal, and you will be responsible for the wine.
  • Cordials and Liqueurs – If you open up to your guest having these, you could be in for a surprise.  Once you open that gate, you are hard pressed to control the cost of any one of them.  An aged port could definitely be in range, yet some of these items could be the price of a small pony.
  • Order First – It may seem like bad manners, yet the host ordering first begins to set the tone.  When you order a fairly simple strip or filet, you are sending a message that the ‘market-priced’ lobster, which then attaches itself to a filet to make surf and turf, is probably above the price point.  Now, they may still do it, but the majority of people get the hint.
  • Know When to ‘Cut it Off’ – This is always uncomfortable, yet practical.  After the meal, when the laughter and libation goes on, know when to say to the server that you need the check.  That does cut it off…at least for you.  If someone else wants to pick up the tab, it can start there.  This is responsible, and practical.  If it seems like it is wrong, think about the bill you are going to submit, and how management is going to react to it.
  • Tip Correctly – If you tip correctly you will always find those who serve you eager to have your table.  Great service deserves 20% or more.  Good service deserves 15-20%.  I have had some mediocre service at times, yet did believe that 15% was warranted, because of the size of our group.  I cannot ever believe that a tip should be stiffed unless the server was rude, insensitive, and downright awful.  If that were the case, I would be having a conversation with the manager as well.  If you are unwilling to talk to a manager, then stiffing a tip is more retribution than anything else.
  • Treat Wait Staff Properly – When you are entertaining, much can be ascertained about your view on your staff and others by the way you treat the wait staff.  They are not perfect, and you are not either.  I have seen customers make a decision to avoid a formal business relationship with a vendor when that vendor launches aggressively into a server for forgetting something small.  That is about rudeness, and even sometimes about power.

Use Good Sense

It is all about using good sense.  When you do it, the most common mistakes are avoided.  Don’t feel peer pressure, or the pressure that makes people do those things that are regrettable.

Build a relationship with your customers, not a game of one-up.  Be modest when they treat as well.  You will build a relationship with your consistency.

Your comments are welcome.