Posts belonging to Category Prospecting Tips for Black Sales Professionals

Sales Skills You Must Have!

Think of the best sales professional that you have ever seen.  Think of what that individual does that sets he or she apart.  Some are personal attributes (SeeBSJ 7/5 -Customer Facing Attributes You Can’t Be Without), some are preparations, and some differences are skills.  Skills are attainable, and can improve with practice, preparation, and a desire to be the best. Let’s touch on the most prominent of those skills in this post.  Yes, the best sales professionals have to be intentional about improving skills and skill sets, as these are the ones that what will make them better sales professionals.

Tools That Change Careers!

Skills are the tools that you need to become as complete as possible.  You can have some of these without having the proficiency to make them count, so acquiring the skills and improving on those that you have are both important acts. Here is the skills roster:

  • Superior Interviewing Skills
  • Unquestioned Responsiveness Skills
  • Solid Communication Skills
  • Strong Networking Skills
  • Effective Relationship Development/Building Skills (Deep Enduring Relationships)

Superior Interviewing skills – Interviewing skills are important to get the job, and you need to get the job before you can be successful at it.  Master interviewers use a combination of telephone interviews and in person sessions to get comfortable with a candidate.  You want them to get comfortable, and so I suggest the following articles to help you:

Black Sales Journal 1/5/11 Mastering the Telephone Interview Black Sales Journal 9/12/12 An Interviewing

Essential – Communicate Why You are Successful Black Sales Journal 7/7/11 Want to Stand Out in An Interview – You Already Do!

Getting them comfortable includes sharing all positive aspects of ‘you’.  These posts will help, but the most important thing will be how you behave during the interview, so practice, practice, practice.

Responsiveness – Yes, it is a skill! – If you are sales professional responsiveness needs to be your tagline.  It is that part of your ‘tool chest’ which will separate you from your customer’s previous sales professional, and potentially from any in the future. Read these post for deep explanations:

Black Sales Journal 6/16/2011 – Responsiveness – The Objective of the Sales Professional

Black Sales Journal 1/16/2012 – What is the Content of Your Sales Character?

The Black Sales professional has to be most responsive to get the preference that comes with a solid, rewarding relationship.  Never allow your relationship to suffer the chasms that happens in many relationships, which gives opportunities for others to interlope.  Respond with alacrity to customer requests and get the answers they need.  Don’t hide behind your voice mail because your customer needs you.  Change processes and habits to meet the needs of the customer, it will give you the edge for life.

Effective Communications and Listening Skills – Your ability to communicate is crucial to your success.  This is an area that many take for granted and do not ‘practice’ on to the degree that they may need to.  You will not know what your customer needs if you do not have superior probing and communications skills, including listening skills to get out the key information that you need.

Black Sales Journal 11/7/2011 -  Uh! Umm! Make Communications a Strength Black Sales Journal 11/17/2011 – Are You Listening to Your Customers?

Black Sales Journal 3/12/2012 – Are You Asking Your Customers for Feedback?

These items will help you as your skills in this area, yet I will also suggest role-play, videotape, and even the occasional mirror to help you hone your skills.  You cannot avoid being a good communicator if you want to increase your chances of success.

Networking Skills That Fill Your Sales Funnel – You might believe that not everyone can network, but I guarantee you it is a skill that can be learned and even mastered.  Networking is much like speed dating, you get in and out, and get the requisite information to allow a much Networkingmore impactful meeting at another time.  You are selective, and at the same time ‘throwing a wide net’ in hopes of finding potential customers.

Read these to learn more:

Black Sales Journal 2/21/2011 – Networking for the Black Sales Professional

Black Sales Journal 10/10/2011 – Entrepreneurs – 6 Areas to Focus On

Black Sales Journal 12/19/2011 – 2012 Has Started Already- Three Ways to Increase Your Prospect Base

The ability to network effectively is important for b2b and b2p, and is a skill that is well defined.  In practice working a room is one thing, but in truth it is an art.  The utilization of an effective ‘elevator pitch’ (Black Sales Journal 8/11/2011 – Know Your Elevator Pitch) and efficient and organized notes on who you engaged and talked to are important.  Good networkers are almost always leading the pack on prospect origination.

Effective Relationship Development and Management - You have heard me say on numerous opportunities that the relationship, in 5 Random Actsmost product and service sales, is everything.  The customer is your ‘reason for being’ and you need to make sure that developing deep, enduring relationships is your goal.  It is a skill, and an art that takes times and an understanding of the process.

Read these for more information:

Black Sales Journal 6/18/12 – The Raw Truth About Your Business Relationships

Black Sales Journal 6/24/12 – Why Can’t Johnny Sell?

Black Sales Journal 1/13/11 – Deepening Your Customer Relationships – The Holy Grail for the Black Sales Professional.

No one item will help you more than to have the type of relationships that are built on mutual trust, credibility, and value.  Be astute as to the your customer’s needs and what you might be able to do to add value.  Master the relationship!

Here is a start, and I will continue next post with more skills that change the game.

Take time to master them. Read Monday for Must Have Sales Skills Part II!

Your comments are welcome.

Getting Past the Gatekeeper! You Can Do It!

The Gatekeeper

This post was the last two years, and is still one which is quite relevant.  It is imposible to display your trade if you cannot get past that person that acts as the ‘thin gray line’ between you and your buyer.  These points work to structure the relationship that you need to have with this all-important individual.  I think you will enjoy this one again.


As a sales professional in B2B sales the first significant milestone in the sales process is getting past the Gatekeeper. This might not be an easy process, but the truth is you have limited sales possibilities until you master getting past, or in some cases around this individual.  Let’s spend some time discussing some tips on how to get you past the gatekeeper.

Working with the Gatekeeper

The Gatekeeper’s role is simply to screen calls and visitors.  As you know the calls are screened to allow his/her boss to be efficient and focused. You and I both know that one of the items that will make increase efficiency and effectiveness is your product or service!

Chances are you may have received some training in how to do this, or have been doing it long enough that you have your own techniques, but this general refresher cannot harm you.

Here are some tips in regard to getting past the gatekeeper, keeping in mind that sometimes getting past the gatekeeper is simply getting around the gatekeeper.

Getting past the Gatekeeper:

  • Befriend the Gatekeeper – A vast majority of Gatekeepers are helpful professionals.  They are doing their job.  They should be treated well.  Be personable but not phony.  You may find an ally here.
  • Do not send anything in writing – Many Gatekeepers will ask you to send information.  What do you think happens to this information once sent?  Advise that the information you send is based on the needs of the account.  Let the Gatekeeper know that you need to talk with that buyer to discuss what is needed.
  • Keep it vague – Remain vague, as you do not want the Gatekeeper making decisions as to the worth of your product or service.
  • Don’t settle for another contact – Chances are you will never talk to the decision maker after electing to talk to a surrogate.
  • Always use the buyer’s first name – Familiarity is important.  Use the first name if you know that his/her first name is used.
  • Call back when the gatekeeper says to call – This is important even if you don’t get through.  Remind the Gatekeeper of this when you call.
  • Agree to early appointments – Offer for an early appointment (telephone or in person).
  • Drop Names – This can give credibility.  “I work with ABC Company across the street.
  • Use Referrals – Referrals build credibility if appropriate.  “John Johnson of ABC Company next door requested I call Mr. Jones, and I am doing it.”
  • Practice all Scenarios and be prepared for each call – Be prepared knowing your responses to the common objections.  It is projected that the gatekeeper knows 3-4 objections, and readily uses at least 2 objections.  Anticipate the objections.
  • Follow-Up is a must – You must track the conversations with notes and follow-up.  Don’t miss an opportunity.
  • Never show frustration – Your 10th call should have the same tone as your first.  Display no rudeness or sarcasm
  • Never pose as someone you are not – You are a sales professional, not the IRS, Police, or a relative.

Another Approach – Getting Around the Gatekeeper

Sometimes you cannot convince the Gatekeeper of the importance of your visit.  If that is so, you might need to be resourceful.  I am not a total advocate of all of these, yet you may need to try some different measures.

  • Call during the lunch hour – There is a good possibility that the Gatekeeper will be out and you will talk to a ‘stand-in’ who is easier with information.
  • Call Early or Late- This may get you through to the buyer without interference from the gatekeeper.  Many buyers are in the office as early at 7:00A.
  • ‘Misdirection’ - Call one number different than your buyer (Gatekeepers number 445-5858 so dial 445-5857) When you get the wrong number, say which number you dialed and who you want to speak to. In many cases they will connect you to the buyer, as it will look as if the call is from another department, not the outside.
  • Ask the Operator for accounts receivable or the mailroom - They are not trained to screen calls.  Once you get that department, tell the person on the phone that you want to speak to ‘John Buyer’, and they will try to connect you.  Same principle as above.
  • Always ask for the extension – When you do get someone to attempt to connect you make sure to ask for the extension “so you do not have to bother anyone again!”  This should be a habit.
  • Listen to the Voicemail Message- Note the return date, any alternative contacts, and remember you don’t have to leave a message.

You can make it to the buyer but need to be creative and professional.  There is no way to be successful until you hone these skills.  Keep good notes and always know the name of person that you are talking to.  Remember the Gatekeeper is a person who desires respect for his/her position.

Imagine being in a job where people who are supposed to be professionals treat you rudely and with dispatch when you are doing your job?  That is a reality in the Gatekeeper’s role.  Make a positive impression and be personable. They will remember you.  Your treatment of the person in this role will make the difference.  If it does not work, you still must accomplish your mission, and will have to consider Getting Around the Gatekeeper.

Someone will get through at some point, and your hope is for it to be you. Know the techniques and give it your best shot.  Remember that it is your first milestone in this important customer relationship.

Never give up!  Thanks for reading.  We look forward to your comments.